Als Jan und ich vor knapp zwei Jahren für anderthalb Wochen Tel Aviv besuchten, haben wir viele spannende und sympathische Menschen kennengelernt, einer davon: Nimrod Katzir. Zusammen mit Eran Hadar betreibt er den Auerbach Record Saloon, produziert aber auch selbst Tracks und beehrte uns sogar schon einmal beim Ashoreradio. Analoger und roher House mit Tiefgang und subtiler Techno sind sein Ding, das zeigen unter anderem auch seine drei aktuellsten Einkäufe in Sachen Vinyl. Auf drei Kurze mit Nimrod Katzir:
Various – Likethemes – Likemind (1995)
I got my first Likemind record after a large storage clearing we did for a veteran collector who left the country. It was the green one, with some beautiful Kirk Degiorgio & Nuron tracks. Since then I’ve been chasing these down, and a couple of weeks ago I came across this VA that contains one of my favorite Andy Turner (Plaid, Black Dog etc.) jams under his Tura alias.
Phenomyna – ART 5.1 – Applied Rhythmic Technology (1994)
This one has also got to do with Kirk Degiorgio, his uncompromising label Applied Rhythmic Technology has released some really decent music back in the mid ninties! This Stasis (as Phenomyna here) is one that I’ve been digging for a while, found one for a half decent price and didn’t hesitate. In general I don’t tend to let any of Steve Pickton’s records sit on a shelf for too long.
Rena Romano – Once You Fall… / Do It To Me And… – Factory Beat Records (1983)
Two years ago was my first visit to the Record Loft, my friend and I were there for maybe five hours, Christian the owner was going to send a couple of boxes to Auerbach and we were digging some last add-ons. The young guy at the counter (Canadian I think, don’t remember the name) played Rena’s ‘Dance It Off’ for the second time that day, his own personal copy, we spent an hour trying to convince him to sell. He wouldn’t, so we got in touch with Zaf (LoveVinyl) who got us our first copy within a couple of weeks. We never get these old Factory Beat records in Tel-Aviv, but some of them go for very fair prices and this came up the other day. Amazing old garage disco sound, and her voice.
Solltet ihr irgendwann (mal wieder) Tel Aviv besuchen, schaut unbedingt auch mal im Auerbach Records Saloon vorbei, mitbetrieben von Nimrod Katzir aka Pharaoh, der zudem selbst Platten produziert und auflegt. Roher House mit Tiefgang und subtiler Techno sind sein Ding, doch auch weit darüber hinaus gibt es in seinen Tracks und Sets einiges zu entdecken.